Men are brute by nature – MEN vs DUMB ANIMALS

I was shocked to read and see the way Spanish people treat the dumb animals for their pleasure. It is an unequal playing field and opponents. Their bull fight is as gruesome as the one I saw today in the net. It is called as The Joy of the Bull – or Toro de Jubilo – is one of the ‘cultural’ highlights of Medinaceli village, northeast of Madrid. Every year a young bull is dragged into a ring before its body is covered with mud to protect it from burns. Participants then strap wooden stakes doused in flammable chemicals to its horns, and set it on fire. Fiercely hot sparks and embers drip from the burning torches onto the animal as men torment it to prove bravery.
Can a man become so brutal. The bull fight itself is itself horrific. I could not stand it though I made it a point to see a bullfight when I had gone to Spain. I have already written on this “sports”. I expected the Spanish Government to ban that “sports”/

In the Southern part of India they have got what is called jallikattu – again a sports involving bulls who are made to run and then, men run after them to catch them by the horns. A cruel game.
The Supreme Court of India has issued guidelines for that “sports”. In spite of those directives, the tormenting of animals continues on the 14th of January when the sun changes its path.
There is yet another “sports” involving buffallos in the western coast of India. They are in pairs tied to a yoke and are made to run a certain distance in the muddy waters. They are beaten to maintain the pace of their run. The Indian Government has banned that sports.

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