I have been going on tour during April-May and explore new places. This has been my hobby since about 1970s. I can do this largely because I have a childhood
India has a long way to go…………..
I read this in an e-paper called “The Jewish Press.com” It has amessage which I thought my readers should know: It is only natural that the growing incidence of sexual
I have cast my VOTE
So I have cast my vote on 17th of April 2014. I had thought of going to the polling station, which is in a Government Primary School building, in the
” GIVE ME A CHANCE…………………………?”
It is said “Give him a chance, let us see what he can do for usâ€. This is what average voter says in this election season in India. I have
A beacon Light – Mahatma Gandhi – Lead Kindly Light……
On 30th of January, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by a Fanatic. An apostle of peace who had dedicated himself and sacrificed his entire life for preaching and practicing non-violence
It was a few years ago that me and my friend Elke visited the Sylt Island. Of course, I was not aware of it’s existence. It was Elke who said
In Germany with members of Wanderers Club
I never in my life thought that people aged between 80 or 85 ould walk through the hills and meadows and paths passing through forests for nearly 15 kms daily
He was sitting in the corner of an open place where the local municipality had provided with seats for people to sit and breath fresh air. The open ground was
You Too Brutus, then fall Ceasar
Recently our City fathers felt that the roads in my city are narrow and hence they should be widened so as to allow free movement of traffic in our growing/developing